API Quick Start

This quickstart guide intends to walk you through 3 common scenarios to let you understand how to use AfterShip Returns API.

AfterShip Returns Management API helps you perform admin operations on the returns generated via AfterShip Returns in case there is an enterprise's integration need for their internal system programmatically.

graph TD Ecom(("Orders System/ERP")) CommerceAPI["AfterShip Commerce API"] ReturnsAPI["AfterShip Returns API"] ReturnsWebhook["AfterShip Returns Webhook"] ReturnsCore(("AfterShip System")) Ecom--"1. orders, products, stores"-->CommerceAPI-->ReturnsCore ReturnsCore--"2. RMA Updates"-->ReturnsWebhook-->Ecom Ecom-->ReturnsAPI--"3. Update Status(Optional)"-->ReturnsCore

AfterShip verifies a user's request by adding an as-api-key in the header.

To get your API key, visit API key, click Create an API key and follow the given instructions to generate your API key.


All endpoints are only accessible via HTTPS.

This version of API provides only limited features. Currently, to work in some scenarios you can only use the legacy version of Returns API.

Use CaseLegacy VersionCurrent Version
Mark Item as dropped at a parcel collection hub.N/A
Query RMA list by time rangeN/A
Update RMA statuses
Mark Item as received at warehouse.
Upload self-provided labels for an RMA.

As a merchant if you own your retailer location network or a third-party drop-off service provider (e.g. Retailer Reworks, Happy Returns, etc.), that provides drop-off locations for your shopper to drop off the return items, this endpoint can be called to mark a specific item as "dropped" state in AfterShiop Returns, which will in-turn trigger pre-configured automations.


Retriebe historical RMA data during a specific period.
