This endpoint allows you to create your shipper account via API. You can integrate our API with your system and manage the shipper account according to your needs.
Please ensure that your account credentials are correct. Different carriers have different requirements for account credentials, you can refer to Shipper account's credetials for more details.
Create a shipper account
Please refer to Shipper account's credetials
Address object: the description of address information
address_line1 of address
Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 code
contact_name of address
contact_phone of address
fax_number of address
email of address
company_name of address
address_line2 of address
address_line3 of address
city of address
state of address
postal_code of address
type of address
tax id
tax id type
identification number
identification type
eori number
Settings object: additional settings of the shipper account. Only applies to FedEx currently.
Letterhead image to generate courier's electronic commercial invoice. The max resolution is 700 pixels wide by 50 pixels long.
Signature image to generate courier's electronic commercial invoice. The max resolution is 700 pixels wide by 50 pixels long.