All Service Options

Service options are value added services supported by couriers. Find the full list here.

service_options is used to get different courier's value added services. For example, when users input cod in label request, AfterShip Shipping will send these service_options to the courier. All these service_options can be sent like shown below.

type *stringAccepts: alcohol.
recipient_type *stringAccepts: consumer,licensee.
type *stringAccepts: cod.
cod_value *moneymoney object
cod_recipientaddressAddress object
type *stringAccepts: code_delivery.
code *stringThe code for delivery.
type *stringAccepts: dangerous_goods.
category_codestringDangerous goods content category code, Accepts: 01,02,03,04,05,06,08,09,40. Only applies to DHL eCommerce US.
un_numberstringUN/NA/ID Identification Number assigned to the specified regulated good. (Include the UN/NA/ID as part of the entry).
technical_namestringThe technical name for the goods.
classstringThe class for the goods.
subsidiary_classstringThe subsidiary class for the goods.
packing_groupstringDangerous goods are assigned into 3 packing groups (also known as UN Packing Group) in accordance with the degree of danger they present: Packing Group I: high danger, Packing Group II: medium danger, Packing Group III: low danger. Accepts: I,II,III.
packing_instructionstringThe packing instruction of the goods, e.g. PI965, PI966
packing_typestringThe packing type of these dangerous goods, as specified by the IATA packing instructions. For example, cartons, steel cylinders, fiberboard boxes, plastic jerricans and steel drums.
packing_quantityintegerThe number of packing of the goods. Minimum: 1 (set to 1 if not provided)
regulation_authoritystringRegulatory agency whose standards are being followed for the shipment, e.g. ADR, CFR, IATA, TDG.
transport_meanstringThe most critical leg of the journey required to deliver the goods, e.g. Highway, Ground, PAX, Passenger Aircraft, CAO
regulation_levelstringReference to the amount of the substance being transported, used to trigger different levels of controls/restrictions, e.g. FR, LR, LQ
type *stringAccepts: signature,adult_signature,indirect_signature, verification_code.
enabled *booleanAccepts: true,false.
type *stringAccepts: dry_ice.
weight *weightweight object
type *stringService Option General Type Accepts: saturday_delivery,paperless_invoice
enabled *booleanAccepts: true,false.
type *stringAccepts: hold_for_pickup.
enabled *booleanAccepts: true,false.
type *stringAccepts: hold_at_location.
customer_numberstringCustomer Number
location_idstringID of location
addressaddressLocation Address
type *stringAccepts: appointment,date_certain,evening.
enabled *booleanAccepts: true,false.
type *stringAccepts: insurance.
insured_value *moneymoney object
type *stringAccepts: ppod.
enabled *booleanAccepts: true,false.
type *stringAccepts: pickup.
start_time *stringPreferred start time for pickup in HH:MM:SS
end_timestringPreferred end time for pickup in HH:MM:SS
type *stringAccepts: print_return_label.
enabled *booleanAccepts: true,false.