Get tracking results of multiple trackings.
Destination country/region of trackings returned by courier. Use ISO Alpha-3 (three letters). Use comma for multiple values. (Example: USA,HKG)
End date and time of trackings created. Please make sure the value of the parameter is properly escaped in URL encoding.(Defaults: now, Example: The escaped value of 2013-04-15T16:41:56+08:00 is 2013-04-15T16:41:56%2B08:00)
Start date and time of trackings created. AfterShip only stores data of 120 days. Please make sure the value of the parameter is properly escaped in URL encoding.(Defaults: 120 days ago, Example: The escaped value of 2013-03-15T16:41:56+08:00 is 2013-03-15T16:41:56%2B08:00)
A string representing the cursor value for the current page of results.
Destination country/region of trackings. Use ISO Alpha-3 (three letters). Use comma for multiple values. (Example: USA,HKG)
List of fields to include in the response. Use comma for multiple values. Available options: title
, order_id
, tag
, checkpoints
. Example: title,order_id
Search the content of the tracking record fields: tracking_number
, title
, order_id
, customers[x].name
, custom_fields
, customers[x].email
, customers[x].phone_number
Number of trackings each page contain. (Default: 100, Max: 200)
A globally-unique identifier for the order. Use comma for multiple values.(Example: 6845a095a27a4caeb27487806f058add,4845a095a27a4caeb27487806f058abc)
Origin country/region of trackings. Use ISO Alpha-3 (three letters). Use comma for multiple values. (Example: USA,HKG)
Select return to sender, the value should be true
or false
, with optional comma separated.
Tags you added to your shipments to help categorize and filter them easily. Use a comma to separate multiple values (Example: a,b)
Unique courier code Use comma for multiple values. (Example: dhl,ups,usps)
Current status of tracking. Values include Pending
, InfoReceived
, InTransit
, OutForDelivery
, AttemptFail
, Delivered
, AvailableForPickup
, Exception
, Expired
(See tag definition)
Tracking number of shipments. Use comma to separate multiple values (Example: RA123456789US,LE123456789US). Supports up to 50 tracking numbers.
End date and time of trackings updated. Please make sure the value of the parameter is properly escaped in URL encoding.(Example: The escaped value of 2013-04-15T16:41:56+08:00 is 2013-04-15T16:41:56%2B08:00)
Start date and time of trackings updated. Please make sure the value of the parameter is properly escaped in URL encoding.(Example: The escaped value of 2013-03-15T16:41:56+08:00 is 2013-03-15T16:41:56%2B08:00)