Order CSV Export

Export data of your orders and their shipments from AfterShip, with important details including fulfillment statuses, product prices, and more.

  1. Login to your AfterShip account (Sign up free)
  2. Go to Orders page > Set up filters
  3. Export Orders
  4. CSV file will be sent to the registered email address

storeThe store the order was imported from.My store
sourceThe platform or channel the order was imported from.shopify
order_numberThe order number.5453980762400
order_idA unique number created by AfterShip used to identify the order.850110
order_dateThe date and time the order was created. It uses the format "YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" based on the timezone you set for your AfterShip organization.2022-01-20T15:56:12+08:00
order_import_dateThe date and time the order was imported to AfterShip. It uses the format "YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" based on the timezone you set for your AfterShip organization.2022-01-20T15:56:12+08:00
order_latest_update_dateThe date and time the order was last updated. It uses the format "YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" based on the timezone you set for your AfterShip organization.2022-01-20T15:56:12+08:00
fulfillment_statusShows whether you have fulfilled the order or not.partially_fulfilled
payment_statusShows whether the order has been paid for by the customer or not.paid
currencyThe currency of the order displayed as a currency code.USD
subtotalThe subtotal for all the items in the order before any discounts are applied. Excludes taxes (unless taxes are included in the item price) and shipping costs.73.98
totalThe total for all the items in the order after any discounts are applied. Taxes and shipping costs are included.68.88
shippingThe shipping cost for the order.3.20
taxAny additional tax for the order.7.42
discountsAny discounts for the order.6.21
shipping_methodThe shipping method used for the order.Carbon Neutral 2-Day delivery via Ohi
order_notesAny notes you added to the order on your eCommerce platform.850110
order_tagsAny tags you added to the order on your eCommerce platform."fulfillment_service:ohi,node_id:None,ohi_status:Not Yet Picked"
customer_localeThe language and region of the customer.en-US
customer_first_nameThe first name of the customer.Anthony
customer_last_nameThe last name of the customer.Iliadis
product_titleThe title of the product.Short sleeve T-shirt
product_variant_titleThe title of the product variant.small, blue T-shirt
product_variant_skuThe SKU for the product variant.180000
product_variant_quantityThe number of units of this product variant in the order.1
product_variant_fulfilled_quantityThe number of units of this product variant that you have fulfilled.1
product_variant_priceThe price of the product variant before any discounts.39.99
product_variant_discounted_priceThe price of the product variant after any discounts.6
product_variant_weightThe weight of the product variant.1.26
product_variant_weight_unitThe unit of weight.kg
recipient_first_nameThe first name of the recipient.John
recipient_last_nameThe last name of the recipient.Smith
destination_cityThe city of the recipient's address.Bayville
destination_stateThe state of the recipient's address.New Jersey
destination_country_regionThe country/region of the recipient's address.USA
destination_zipThe postal code of the recipient’s address.08721
ship_dateThe date and time you marked this product variant as shipped. If you shipped 2 of the same product variant separately, we show the ship date of whichever shipment was shipped first. It uses the format "YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" based on the timezone you set for your AfterShip organization.2022-01-20T15:56:12+08:00
original_carrier_nameThe carrier name you imported with the order.Ohi Shipping
tracking_numberThe tracking numbers you imported with the order.8a6abedc25f
tracking_idA unique number created by AfterShip used to identify shipments.g42kenrygmcoilmqx8xd200n
carrier_slugA unique code used by AfterShip to identify the carrier. If we identified that the carrier name you imported was incorrect, this slug shows the updated and corrected carrier. Click here to check our carrier slug list.fedex
product_variant_delivery_dateThe date and time this product variant was delivered. If you shipped 2 of the same product variant separately, we show the delivery date of whichever shipment was delivered most recently. It uses the format "YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" based on the time zone you set for your AfterShip organization.2022-01-20T15:56:12+08:00