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Consumer Electronics eCommerce Statistics in 2025

Explore the statistics for Consumer Electronics eCommerce in 2025, including store count by region and platform, estimated sales amount by platform and region, products sold by platform and region, and total app spend by platform and region. Gain insights into regional preferences, market penetration, consumer trends, and technological investments within the Consumer Electronics sector. Discover the leading regions and platforms, as well as the dynamics of sales and product volumes. Stay informed about the evolving landscape of Consumer Electronics online stores for a comprehensive understanding of the market.

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Consumer Electronics Stores Count by Region

Delving into the Consumer Electronics sector, our data presents a revealing look at store distribution by region, highlighting regional preferences and market penetration in this niche. United States leads with 35.24K stores, which is 33.89% of the total. United Kingdom follows, contributing 10.18K stores, which is 9.79% of the total. India comes third, with 6.33K stores, making up 6.08% of the total.

United States35.24K33.89%
United Kingdom10.18K9.79%
South Africa1.83K1.76%

Consumer Electronics Stores Count by Platforms

Our data sheds light on the distribution of Consumer Electronics stores across different online platforms. WooCommerce leads with a substantial number of stores, holding 48.03K stores, which accounts for 34.98% of the total in this category. Shopify follows with 45.86K stores, making up 33.40% of the Consumer Electronics market. Meanwhile, Custom Cart offers a significant presence as well, with 17.05K stores, or 12.42% of the total. This chart gives a clear picture of how stores within the Consumer Electronics sector are spread across these key platforms.

Custom Cart17.05K12.42%
Alibaba Minisite1.36K0.99%

Consumer Electronics Estimated Sales by Platforms

The chart provides an insightful analysis of the estimated sales amounts for Consumer Electronics stores across various platforms. Custom Cart stands out, generating a significant portion of sales with an estimated amount of $1.19T, which is 95.57% of the total sales in this category. Following closely, Shopify accounts for $28.99B in sales, making up 2.33% of the total. WooCommerce also shows notable performance, contributing $9.14B to the total sales, representing 0.73%. This data highlights the sales dynamics and the varying impact of each platform on the Consumer Electronics market.

PlatformsEstimated SalesPercentage
Custom Cart$1.19T95.57%
Salesforce Commerce Cloud$4.06B0.33%
SAP Commerce Cloud$767.19M0.06%

Consumer Electronics Estimated Sales by Regions

This chart offers a detailed view of the estimated sales amounts for Consumer Electronics stores across different regions. In Netherlands, the sales figures are particularly impressive, with the region generating $656.75B, which accounts for 52.76% of the total sales in this category. China follows with robust sales, totaling $181.01B and representing 14.54% of the overall sales. Austria also contributes significantly to the market with sales amounting to $149.16B, making up 11.98% of the total. These numbers not only illustrate the economic vitality of each region in the Consumer Electronics market but also highlight regional consumer preferences and spending power.

RegionsEstimated SalesPercentage
United States$91.70B7.37%
South Africa$53.01B4.26%

Consumer Electronics eCommerce App Spend by Regions

This chart provides a comprehensive view of the total app spend in the Consumer Electronics sector, segmented by region. It illustrates how much stores in different regions are investing in apps and software to enhance their business operations and customer services. In United States, the total app spend is significant, with stores investing $33.38M, which accounts for 52.04% of the overall app expenditure in the Consumer Electronics. United Kingdom follows, with a total spend of $7.11M, making up 11.08% of the category's total. Canada also shows considerable investment in technology, with a spend of $5.13M, representing 7.99% of the total. These figures not only reveal the financial commitment of stores in each region towards technology but also indicate regional trends and priorities in the Consumer Electronics market.

RegionsApp SpendPercentage
United States$33.38M52.04%
United Kingdom$7.11M11.08%
Hong Kong$1.96M3.06%
South Africa$478.51K0.75%

Consumer Electronics Stores Distributed by Monthly Sales

This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of Consumer Electronics online retailers by Monthly Sales. Most Consumer Electronics stores' Monthly Sales are Less than $100.00, there are 47.13K stores, which is 94.92% of total. In second place, 1.63K stores' Monthly Sales are $10.00M to $100.00M, which is 3.28% of total. Meanwhile, 476 stores' Monthly Sales are $100.00K to $1.00M, which is 0.96% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into Consumer Electronics stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.

Monthly SalesStoresPercentage
Less than $100.0047.13K94.92%
$100.00 to $1.00K1<0.01%
$1.00K to $10.00K0<0.01%
$10.00K to $100.00K2<0.01%
$100.00K to $1.00M4760.96%
$1.00M to $10.00M3130.63%
$10.00M to $100.00M1.63K3.28%
$100.00M to $1.00B810.16%
$1.00B to $10.00B140.03%
More than $10.00B90.02%

Consumer Electronics Stores Distributed by Number of Employee

This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of Consumer Electronics online retailers by Number of Employee. Most Consumer Electronics stores' Number of Employee are Less than 10, there are 22.3K stores, which is 84.39% of total. In second place, 1.1K stores' Number of Employee are 20 to 50, which is 4.14% of total. Meanwhile, 945 stores' Number of Employee are 10 to 20, which is 3.58% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into Consumer Electronics stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.

Number of EmployeeStoresPercentage
Less than 1022.3K84.39%
10 to 209453.58%
20 to 501.1K4.14%
50 to 1005662.14%
100 to 2004901.85%
200 to 5003771.43%
500 to 1K1490.56%
1K to 5K2440.92%
5K to 10K780.30%
More than 10K1810.68%

Consumer Electronics Stores Distributed by Monthly Visitors

This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of Consumer Electronics online retailers by Monthly Visitors. Most Consumer Electronics stores' Monthly Visitors are Less than 100, there are 38.25K stores, which is 55.28% of total. In second place, 15.04K stores' Monthly Visitors are 100 to 1K, which is 21.73% of total. Meanwhile, 10.77K stores' Monthly Visitors are 1K to 10K, which is 15.57% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into Consumer Electronics stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.

Monthly VisitorsStoresPercentage
Less than 10038.25K55.28%
100 to 1K15.04K21.73%
1K to 10K10.77K15.57%
10K to 100K3.96K5.73%
100K to 1M9241.34%
1M to 10M2180.32%
10M to 100M230.03%
100M to 1B5<0.01%
1B to 10B0<0.01%
More than 10B0<0.01%

Consumer Electronics Stores Distributed by Monthly Views

This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of Consumer Electronics online retailers by Monthly Views. Most Consumer Electronics stores' Monthly Views are Less than 100, there are 29.62K stores, which is 42.81% of total. In second place, 16.55K stores' Monthly Views are 100 to 1K, which is 23.91% of total. Meanwhile, 13.48K stores' Monthly Views are 1K to 10K, which is 19.48% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into Consumer Electronics stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.

Monthly ViewsStoresPercentage
Less than 10029.62K42.81%
100 to 1K16.55K23.91%
1K to 10K13.48K19.48%
10K to 100K6.88K9.95%
100K to 1M2.11K3.05%
1M to 10M4530.65%
10M to 100M910.13%
100M to 1B110.02%
More than 1B0<0.01%

Consumer Electronics Stores Distributed by Monthly Product Sold

This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of Consumer Electronics online retailers by Monthly Product Sold. Most Consumer Electronics stores' Monthly Product Sold are Less than 100, there are 81.04K stores, which is 74.20% of total. In second place, 20.86K stores' Monthly Product Sold are 100 to 1K, which is 19.10% of total. Meanwhile, 5.37K stores' Monthly Product Sold are 1K to 10K, which is 4.92% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into Consumer Electronics stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.

Monthly Product SoldStoresPercentage
Less than 10081.04K74.20%
100 to 1K20.86K19.10%
1K to 10K5.37K4.92%
10K to 100K1.56K1.43%
100K to 1M3180.29%
1M to 10M390.04%
10M to 100M200.02%
100M to 1B1<0.01%
1B to 10B0<0.01%
More than 10B0<0.01%