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Protect your BFCM revenue from returns and policy abuse
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newsletters screenshotnewsletters screenshot
Generate store traffic

Generate store traffic

Target the right audience to send product updates, discounts, or offers to drive traffic.

Drive repeat customers

Drive repeat customers

Existing customers want to know what’s new and the latest offers. Keep them coming back.

Increase social media followers

Increase social media followers

Send beautiful newsletters to build your brand awareness in social media.


73% of millennials prefer communications from businesses to come via email.

Designed for eCommerceDesigned for eCommerce
Re-engage customers. Close more sales.Re-engage customers. Close more sales.
Easy setup. Drag and drop.Easy setup. Drag and drop.
Right audience. Right timing.Right audience. Right timing.
Send personalized emails that convertSend personalized emails that convert
Boost your average cart value 
Boost your average cart value
100% mobile responsive100% mobile responsive

Create a world-class post-purchase experience