Order status indicates the current stage of each order. For instance, the status of an order could be — processing, completed, failed, canceled, refunded, etc. Tracking the current status of eCommerce orders is crucial to meet the ever-changing customer expectations.
There are several different types of order statuses that customers often experience while shopping online, such as:
Pending payment: The merchant has received the order, but the customer is yet to make the payment for it. This scenario often occurs in the case of COD (cash on delivery).
Failed: The payment has failed at the customer’s end. Sometimes, the payment gets declined due to pending SCA (Strong Customer Authentication).
Processing: The merchant has successfully received the payment and is now working on order fulfillment.
Completed: The order has been fulfilled, and no further action is required.
On hold: It tells customers that they have paid the money from their end, but the merchant hasn’t received it yet. This generally happens due to the payment processing delay at the bank’s end. After a certain time, this status automatically gets changed either to ‘Success’ or ‘Failed’, depending on whether the merchant has received the money or not.
Canceled: The order has been canceled by the merchant or the customer.
Refunded: The merchant has returned the money to the customer after a refund request.
Authentication required: The customer is yet to complete SCA requirements for a successful transaction.