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AfterShip Intelligence Delivers a Connected and Personalized Customer Experience. Learn more

Real-time shipping rates

Compare costs and delivery time across carrier services to optimize your shipping routes.

Real-time shipping rates
Cut-down shipping expenses

Cut-down shipping expenses

Choose the lowest rate among shipping services that meet your customer expectations.

Deliver on time

Deliver on time

Customers like fast delivery. Select shipping service based on delivery time.

Optimize logistics process

Optimize logistics process

Compare rates across services of different carriers to find the right shipping method.

Works well with other platforms

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94% of shoppers want a guaranteed delivery date.

Real-time shipping rate

Real-time shipping rate

We integrate with the carrier’s shipping API to get the latest rates and delivery time.

Real-time shipping rate
Compare across carrier services

Compare across carrier services

Choose the best service that meets customer expectations and minimize your shipping cost.

Compare across carrier services
Discounted USPS shipping rates

Discounted USPS shipping rates

Ship orders to customers and save up to 90% with USPS shipping through Shipping.

Discounted USPS shipping rates
Apply your negotiated rates

Apply your negotiated rates

Connect your carrier accounts and apply negotiated rates to maximize your profit margin.

Apply your negotiated rates

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