The estimated delivery date is provided by AfterShip, based on its AI-predictive model. You can display the EDD on the product page, cart, and order checkout page. It indicates when a customer will receive the order.
You can use AfterShip’s AI-powered predictive estimated delivery date API to provide expected delivery dates to shoppers for online orders without tracking numbers. You can get the earliest date, the latest date, and the most-likely-arrival date through our AI-predictive EDD API.
Display accurate estimated delivery dates on the product page, store cart, and order checkout page to encourage customers to check out faster and give them a better customer experience.
Contact sales to activate this feature.
AfterShip's unique code of courier. Please refer to
AfterShip’s unique code represents carrier’s shipping and delivery options. Refer to Download Link.
The location from where the package is picked up by the carrier to be delivered to the final destination.
The country/region of the origin location from where the package is picked up by the carrier to be delivered to the final destination. Use 3 letters of ISO 3166-1 country/region code.
State, province, or the equivalent location of the origin address. Use 3 letters of ISO 3166-1 country/region code for countries/regions without state.
Either origin_address.state
or origin_address.postal_code
is required.
City of the origin address. Use 3 letters of ISO 3166-1 country/region code for countries/regions without City.
Postal code of the origin address. Use 3 letters of ISO 3166-1 country/region code for countries/regions without postal code.
Either origin_address.state
or origin_address.postal_code
is required.
Raw location of the origin address. A raw address will help AI to identify the accurate location of the origin address.
The final destination of the customer where the delivery will be made.
The country/region of the destination location where the package will be delivered. Use 3 letters of ISO 3166-1 country code.
State, province, or the equivalent location of the destination address where the package will be delivered.
Either destination_address.state
or destination_address.postal_code
is required.
City of the destination address where the package will be delivered.
Postal code of the destination address.
Either destination_address.state
or destination_address.postal_code
is required.
Raw location of the destination address. A raw address will help AI to identify the accurate location of the destination address.
AfterShip uses this object to calculate the total weight of the order.
The weight unit of the package.
The weight of the shipment.
The number of packages.
The local pickup time in the origin address time zone of the package.Show all...
The local pickup time of the package.
Either pickup_time
or estimated_pickup
is required.
The local order time in the origin address time zone of the package.
Order cut off time in the origin address time zone. The default value set by AfterShip is 18:00:00.
Operating days in a week. Number refers to the weekday. E.g., [1,2,3,4,5] means operating days are from Monday to Friday. AfterShip will set [1,2,3,4,5] as the default value.