AfterShip Protection kalkulačka návratnosti investícií
Vypočítajte si návratnosť investícií (ROI), ktorú by ste mohli zažiť s produktmi AfterShip.
1. Uveďte informácie o svojej firme
Počet balení ročne
Priemerná hodnota objednávky
Hodinová mzda pre každého pracovníka zákazníckeho servisu
Hodinová mzda pre každého pracovníka zákazníckeho servisu
Hodinová mzda pre každého pracovníka zákazníckeho servisu
2. Vyberte kategórie, ktoré predávate
Vaša predpokladaná návratnosť investícií (US$):
za rok
Zníženie nákladov
Ročne ušetrené náklady na pracovnú silu
Stratené príjmy boli znovu získané
Výnosy sa opäť získajú opätovným odoslaním
Zvýšenie príjmov
Výnosy v dôsledku zvýšenia miery konverzie
We collect data as customers interact with us via our websites or use AfterShip’s subscription services. When we collect and how we use the information are all described in our Privacy Policy.
Frequently asked questions
How did AfterShip obtain the customer data used in the ROI calculator?
We collect data as customers interact with us via our websites or use AfterShip’s subscription services. When we collect and how we use the information are described in our Privacy Policy.
How is the improvement for each metric determined?
- The projected revenue generated by AfterShip Returns is determined by several factors, such as the average order value (AOV), order volume, return rate, time spent per return request ticket, hourly wage per customer service staff member, and the e-commerce platform used.
- In estimating potential revenue, our platform uses benchmarks for reduction rates in the refund to the original payment and time spent on processing return requests, as well as the upsell rate through exchanges for other items based on data from our extensive database.
- The reduction rate in refund to the original payment refers to the average percentage of refunds that are reduced at the order level after implementing AfterShip Returns. This metric may vary with the platforms that you are using.
- The reduction rate in time spent on processing return requests refers to the percentage of time saved when dealing with return requests after implementing AfterShip Returns, based on our clients’ actual data.
- The upsell rate through exchanges for other items refers to the percentage of orders that are exchanged for higher-priced items using the exchange to other items function in AfterShip Returns.
Am I guaranteed to see the results I obtained from this ROI calculator?
This report is based on our benchmark database from our customers globally. It is for reference only and should not be used as the sole basis for decision-making. Actual results may vary depending on multiple factors, such as market conditions, customer base, competition, industry, region, etc. As such, exact results from the ROI Calculator and this report are not guaranteed nor implied in your use of AfterShip Returns.