The delivery date calculator plugin is an estimated delivery date (AI Predictive EDD) plugin that allows you to display a delivery date right on your product details page to increase conversions. The powerful AI analyzes past performance data from different carriers to accurately predict when a product will be delivered.
Vtičnik za kalkulator datuma dostave
Ocene časa pošiljanja, ki jih poganja umetna inteligenca, spodbujajo konverzije, določajo pričakovanja strank in zagotavljajo brezskrbnost.
Kupcem zagotovite natančno napoved datuma dostave, ki jo poganja umetna inteligenca, na podlagi vremena v živo, praznikov, obsega pošiljanja in drugega. Hitro in brezplačno dodajte kalkulator datuma dostave v svojo spletno trgovino!
<a href= #0045;widget target=blank>

Izpolnite svoje podatke za pošiljanje
Takole bo videti
Pridobite kodo
Kopirajte in prilepite to kodo na svojo stran, kjer želite, da se prikaže vtičnik.

Zmanjšajte 65 % WISMO z rešitvijo za samodejno sledenje
Rezervirajte predstavitevpogosta vprašanja
Kaj je vtičnik za izračun datuma dostave?
Kakšen je predvideni datum dostave?
- The estimated delivery date refers to the expected date that a package will arrive at its destination. Put another way, it's the date when you, as a shopper, can expect to receive your package.
- The system calculates the estimated delivery date based on past data, and the live weather, holidays, shipping volume, and more condition during the shipping time. It means the estimated delivery date adjusts dynamically based on the live situations.
Kako uporabim vtičnik predvidenega datuma dostave?
Simply fill in your shipping information on this page (carrier, order processing time, etc.). The Premium version also lets you set which days your business operates and your order cutoff times, then factors those into the estimated delivery date too.
Once the plugin code is generated, copy and paste it into your store’s webpage where you want the plugin to appear.
After the plugin is embedded into your webpage, it automatically detects a customer’s IP address and shows them an estimated delivery date.
Kako zanesljiv je AI Predictive EDD?
AfterShip has amassed data from billions of past orders and handles over 10 million new orders daily. Our AI learns from this and continually adjusts its prediction algorithm.
With an accuracy of 91% on average, the Premium version also takes into account weekends, holidays, time zones, peak delivery periods, and other factors.
Kakšna je razlika med brezplačno različico in različico Premium?
The free version only supports USPS, UPS, and FedEx, and can provide only a date range. It also only uses past shipment data to calculate an EDD.
The Premium version supports 30+ countries and regions and 40+ global carriers, with more regions and carriers coming soon. It also gives you the option to predict a single date or a date range. Additionally, it takes into account real-time factors, achieving 91% accuracy on average.
Kako dobim različico Premium?
Depending on the number of orders you ship and your specific business needs, you can either subscribe to AfterShip’s Premium plan or contact us directly to discuss a customized Enterprise solution.
Kaj se zgodi, ko je dosežena omejitev prikaza za brezplačno različico?
Only the first 1,000 customers every month who visit your product pages will be shown the EDD widget. It will not be shown to any customers who visit after that. The display limit resets the following month.
Katere platforme podpirajo gradnik EDD?
The estimated delivery date widget is designed for any website that runs JavaScript. This includes Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento 2, and more.
Ali lahko gradnik EDD prikaže predvidene datume dostave po nakupu?
This widget is designed to increase conversions by showing customers the estimated delivery date for products they are about to purchase. If you want to check the estimated delivery date for a package that has already been shipped, install AfterShip to track all your packages, or use our free tracking page
Ali lahko pripomoček EDD upošteva delovne ure, prekinitve naročil in državne praznike?
Only the Premium version can estimate the shipping date based on your business hours, order cutoff times, and U.S. national holidays, and then factor those into the EDD. The Free version allows you to select a fixed order processing time.
Želite odkleniti več regij in operaterjev?