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aftership parser






AfterShip Parser:輕鬆實現無與倫比的覆蓋範圍

purposely built for ecommerce expanded vpurposely built for ecommerce expanded v


  • 利用我們經過 13 年多培育、擁有超過 130,000 個零售商和市場的龐大資料庫來擴展您的能力。
  • 受益於最高的解析精度,支援 10 多種語言,準確率超過 98%,滿足您多樣化的業務需求。


purposely built for ecommerce collapsedpurposely built for ecommerce collapsed
purposely built for ecommerce expanded vpurposely built for ecommerce expanded v


  • 利用我們經過 13 年多培育、擁有超過 130,000 個零售商和市場的龐大資料庫來擴展您的能力。
  • 受益於最高的解析精度,支援 10 多種語言,準確率超過 98%,滿足您多樣化的業務需求。
native tracking integration that only aftership offers expanded vnative tracking integration that only aftership offers expanded v

與 AfterShip 的獨家本機追蹤集成

  • Parse order data throughout its lifecycle, from order placement to fulfillment and returns.
  • Build a seamless tracking experience in your system by leveraging AfterShip's tracking capabilities.

本國的 追蹤 一體化

native tracking integration that only aftership offers collapsednative tracking integration that only aftership offers collapsed
native tracking integration that only aftership offers expanded vnative tracking integration that only aftership offers expanded v

與 AfterShip 的獨家本機追蹤集成

  • Parse order data throughout its lifecycle, from order placement to fulfillment and returns.
  • Build a seamless tracking experience in your system by leveraging AfterShip's tracking capabilities.
centralized order management for shoppers vcentralized order management for shoppers v


  • Enable shoppers to easily view and manage orders from multiple platforms in one convenient location.
  • Use deep linking to redirect shoppers directly to the shopping platform, eliminating the need for multiple logins.

集中 命令 管理- 蒙特

centralized order management for shoppers collapsedcentralized order management for shoppers collapsed
centralized order management for shoppers vcentralized order management for shoppers v


  • Enable shoppers to easily view and manage orders from multiple platforms in one convenient location.
  • Use deep linking to redirect shoppers directly to the shopping platform, eliminating the need for multiple logins.
less development resource needed due to an advanced api expanded vless development resource needed due to an advanced api expanded v

使用我們的進階 API 減少開發資源需求

  • Achieve seamless integration with our real-time API, boasting a rapid response time of just 61.7ms.
  • Unlike other asynchronous solutions, our API operates without the need for additional webhooks.

更少的開發人員 資源 需要

less development resource needed due to an advanced api collapsedless development resource needed due to an advanced api collapsed
less development resource needed due to an advanced api expanded vless development resource needed due to an advanced api expanded v

使用我們的進階 API 減少開發資源需求

  • Achieve seamless integration with our real-time API, boasting a rapid response time of just 61.7ms.
  • Unlike other asynchronous solutions, our API operates without the need for additional webhooks.


AfterShip Parser 採用自然語言處理 (NLP) 直接從電子郵件中分析、提取和整合關鍵信息,包括商店、訂單、商品和運輸詳細信息。

推動業務成功 數據洞察


解析追蹤號碼後,AfterShip 追蹤和 EDD 可以與 AfterShip Parser 集成,以提供及時、準確的追蹤通知和遞送估計。這種整合鼓勵購物者定期在您的應用程式上檢查他們的訂單狀態,從而提高保留率。


AfterShip Parser 可識別關鍵業務和履行數據,例如訂單狀態、運輸方式和運輸詳細信息,從而實現徹底的了解您的客戶 (KYC) 評估。這使您可以在向商家提供「立即購買、稍後付款」(BNPL) 等金融服務之前自信地評估風險。


AfterShip Parser 從購買歷史記錄中提取產品數據,包括名稱和 ID。與 AfterShip 的 Discovery AI 集成,這些 ID 被轉換為連結到關聯資料庫的意圖豐富的標籤。這種協同作用有助於根據特定行業的購買模式進行個人化產品推薦,從而推動銷售成長。

improve shoppers engagement and retention on your platformimprove shoppers engagement and retention on your platform
enhance risk management with customer insights venhance risk management with customer insights v
monetize from shopping trendsmonetize from shopping trends


解析追蹤號碼後,AfterShip 追蹤和 EDD 可以與 AfterShip Parser 集成,以提供及時、準確的追蹤通知和遞送估計。這種整合鼓勵購物者定期在您的應用程式上檢查他們的訂單狀態,從而提高保留率。

improve shoppers engagement and retention on your platformimprove shoppers engagement and retention on your platform


AfterShip Parser 可識別關鍵業務和履行數據,例如訂單狀態、運輸方式和運輸詳細信息,從而實現徹底的了解您的客戶 (KYC) 評估。這使您可以在向商家提供「立即購買、稍後付款」(BNPL) 等金融服務之前自信地評估風險。

enhance risk management with customer insights venhance risk management with customer insights v


AfterShip Parser 從購買歷史記錄中提取產品數據,包括名稱和 ID。與 AfterShip 的 Discovery AI 集成,這些 ID 被轉換為連結到關聯資料庫的意圖豐富的標籤。這種協同作用有助於根據特定行業的購買模式進行個人化產品推薦,從而推動銷售成長。

monetize from shopping trendsmonetize from shopping trends



為了提高用戶參與度和保留率,一家著名的支付網關利用 AfterShip Parser 引入了互動式應用程式內追蹤功能。 

 AfterShip 強大的電子郵件連接服務可與各種電子郵件提供者無縫集成,從而能夠高效提取領先品牌的訂單資料。該數據已整合到 AfterShip 追蹤中進行即時更新,創建了互動式訂單追蹤地圖,顯著增強了用戶體驗。

launching in app tracking for a leading payment gateway vlaunching in app tracking for a leading payment gateway v

AfterShip Parser 的整合工作流程

the integration workflow of aftership parserthe integration workflow of aftership parser
  • oauth verification voauth verification v
  • email connectivityemail connectivity
  • tracking order email parsingtracking order email parsing
  • shipment trackingshipment tracking

AfterShip 為您的解析之旅提供安全保障

save time on building email connectivitysave time on building email connectivity


使用 AfterShip 輕鬆與任何電子郵件服務提供者集成,包括 Google、Microsoft、Yahoo 和 IMAP,從而消除繁瑣的內部整合。

set oauth verification hands freeset oauth verification hands free

輕鬆的 OAuth 驗證

相信 AfterShip 專家會為您管理整個 OAuth 申請流程,通常在 12 週內完成。

zero risk with free trial providedzero risk with free trial provided


在生產環境中體驗AfterShip Parser全功能免費試用,讓您無任何風險地進行整合。

data privacy and security compliancedata privacy and security compliance


  • AfterShip 確保不會將使用者資料儲存在其內部 AI 和規則引擎中,這與依賴第三方大語言模型 (LLM) 的其他解析解決方案不同。
  • AfterShip 符合 GDPR、SOC 2 和 ISO 27001 標準。


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