eCommerce Statistics by Country/Region in 2025
We monitor millions of online stores across 200+ countries, ensuring that this report provides accurate and up-to-date information. This report diverse eCommerce ecosystems in various countries/regions, including market penetration, regional preferences, consumer trends, and technological investments. Stay up-to-date with the latest data and gain a comprehensive understanding of the eCommerce market dynamics on a country/region level, enabling informed business decisions and strategic planning.
Total stores by Region
The eCommerce industry develops at different stages in various regions. Among the platforms we monitor, United States stands out with the highest number of online stores, indicating the prosperity of its eCommerce economy. Additionally, both United Kingdom and Brazil have a strong presence of online shops, accounting for 6.10% and 4.87% of the global online store market.
Regions | Stores | Percentage |
United States | 3.16M | 29.81% |
United Kingdom | 645.67K | 6.10% |
Brazil | 515.96K | 4.87% |
Unknown | 420.45K | 3.97% |
Germany | 412.57K | 3.90% |
Canada | 357.64K | 3.38% |
Australia | 341.07K | 3.22% |
France | 311.97K | 2.95% |
India | 267.16K | 2.52% |
Netherlands | 260.29K | 2.46% |
Others | 3.9M | 36.82% |
Estimated Monthly Sales by Region
Mexico leads the eCommerce industry, achieving remarkable success with monthly sales of $5.51T. This solidifies its dominant market position, capturing a significant 19.29% share. Following closely behind is Nicaragua, which achieved monthly sales of $5.08T, accounting for 17.77% of the global eCommerce market. Ranking third among the top performers is United States, contributing 11.27% to the monthly eCommerce sales worldwide. Noteworthy mentions go to Italy, Canada and India, as they also hold substantial market shares.
Regions | Estimated Sales | Percentage |
Mexico | $5.51T | 19.29% |
Nicaragua | $5.08T | 17.77% |
United States | $3.22T | 11.27% |
Italy | $1.43T | 5.00% |
Canada | $1.42T | 4.98% |
India | $1.11T | 3.89% |
Spain | $1.00T | 3.52% |
United Kingdom | $983.35B | 3.44% |
Netherlands | $918.44B | 3.22% |
Germany | $818.41B | 2.87% |
App Monthly Spend by Region
Online store owners across different regions have varying preferences when investing in apps. Our data reveals that United States is the leading destination for online businesses using apps, spending an impressive $1.58B per month. Online business owners in United Kingdom and Canada are also passionate about leveraging apps, with monthly app expenditure of $267.53M and $204.96M respectively. Additionally, Australia and Germany contribute significantly as well, representing a combined 8.41% of global monthly app spending.
Regions | App Spend | Percentage |
United States | $1.58B | 50.48% |
United Kingdom | $267.53M | 8.57% |
Canada | $204.96M | 6.56% |
Australia | $167.18M | 5.35% |
Germany | $95.50M | 3.06% |
France | $85.63M | 2.74% |
Brazil | $75.10M | 2.40% |
India | $55.09M | 1.76% |
Netherlands | $50.10M | 1.60% |
Italy | $42.50M | 1.36% |
Stores Distributed by Monthly Sales
This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of online retailers by Monthly Sales. Most stores' Monthly Sales are Less than $100.00, there are 4.99M stores, which is 97.76% of total. In second place, 76.75K stores' Monthly Sales are $10.00M to $100.00M, which is 1.50% of total. Meanwhile, 19.88K stores' Monthly Sales are $100.00K to $1.00M, which is 0.39% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.
Monthly Sales | Stores | Percentage |
Less than $100.00 | 4.99M | 97.76% |
$100.00 to $1.00K | 168 | <0.01% |
$1.00K to $10.00K | 14 | <0.01% |
$10.00K to $100.00K | 76 | <0.01% |
$100.00K to $1.00M | 19.88K | 0.39% |
$1.00M to $10.00M | 13.62K | 0.27% |
$10.00M to $100.00M | 76.75K | 1.50% |
$100.00M to $1.00B | 3.47K | 0.07% |
$1.00B to $10.00B | 257 | <0.01% |
More than $10.00B | 156 | <0.01% |
Stores Distributed by Number of Employee
This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of online retailers by Number of Employee. Most stores' Number of Employee are Less than 10, there are 1.68M stores, which is 89.79% of total. In second place, 43.77K stores' Number of Employee are 20 to 50, which is 2.33% of total. Meanwhile, 41.83K stores' Number of Employee are 10 to 20, which is 2.23% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.
Number of Employee | Stores | Percentage |
Less than 10 | 1.68M | 89.79% |
10 to 20 | 41.83K | 2.23% |
20 to 50 | 43.77K | 2.33% |
50 to 100 | 28.54K | 1.52% |
100 to 200 | 25.97K | 1.39% |
200 to 500 | 22.22K | 1.19% |
500 to 1K | 9.09K | 0.48% |
1K to 5K | 13.91K | 0.74% |
5K to 10K | 2.75K | 0.15% |
More than 10K | 3.32K | 0.18% |
Stores Distributed by Monthly Visitors
This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of online retailers by Monthly Visitors. Most stores' Monthly Visitors are Less than 100, there are 4.05M stores, which is 58.46% of total. In second place, 1.68M stores' Monthly Visitors are 100 to 1K, which is 24.23% of total. Meanwhile, 876.7K stores' Monthly Visitors are 1K to 10K, which is 12.66% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.
Monthly Visitors | Stores | Percentage |
Less than 100 | 4.05M | 58.46% |
100 to 1K | 1.68M | 24.23% |
1K to 10K | 876.7K | 12.66% |
10K to 100K | 262.92K | 3.80% |
100K to 1M | 49.46K | 0.71% |
1M to 10M | 8.97K | 0.13% |
10M to 100M | 812 | 0.01% |
100M to 1B | 85 | <0.01% |
1B to 10B | 3 | <0.01% |
More than 10B | 0 | <0.01% |
Stores Distributed by Monthly Views
This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of online retailers by Monthly Views. Most stores' Monthly Views are Less than 100, there are 2.92M stores, which is 42.10% of total. In second place, 2.07M stores' Monthly Views are 100 to 1K, which is 29.85% of total. Meanwhile, 1.29M stores' Monthly Views are 1K to 10K, which is 18.59% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.
Monthly Views | Stores | Percentage |
Less than 100 | 2.92M | 42.10% |
100 to 1K | 2.07M | 29.85% |
1K to 10K | 1.29M | 18.59% |
10K to 100K | 498.4K | 7.20% |
100K to 1M | 133.26K | 1.92% |
1M to 10M | 20.26K | 0.29% |
10M to 100M | 2.59K | 0.04% |
100M to 1B | 305 | <0.01% |
More than 1B | 12 | <0.01% |
Stores Distributed by Monthly Product Sold
This chart provides a detailed overview of the number of online retailers by Monthly Product Sold. Most stores' Monthly Product Sold are Less than 100, there are 8.27M stores, which is 78.41% of total. In second place, 1.79M stores' Monthly Product Sold are 100 to 1K, which is 16.94% of total. Meanwhile, 352.33K stores' Monthly Product Sold are 1K to 10K, which is 3.34% of total. This breakdown reveals insights into stores distribution, providing a comprehensive picture of the performance and efficient of online retailer.
Monthly Product Sold | Stores | Percentage |
Less than 100 | 8.27M | 78.41% |
100 to 1K | 1.79M | 16.94% |
1K to 10K | 352.33K | 3.34% |
10K to 100K | 102.27K | 0.97% |
100K to 1M | 27.94K | 0.27% |
1M to 10M | 5.53K | 0.05% |
10M to 100M | 1.79K | 0.02% |
100M to 1B | 55 | <0.01% |
1B to 10B | 3 | <0.01% |
More than 10B | 0 | <0.01% |